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Poll: Kobe Bryant---Guilty or Innocent? [Back to voting]
Guilty 2 (15.38%)
Not guilty 6 (46.15%)
Who the hell is Kobe Bryant? 5 (38.46%)

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Author: Subject: Kobe Bryant---Guilty or Innocent?
Moderator of Death

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posted on 2003-7-23 at 14:33
Originally posted by Pure_Ibanez_Sound
Yup that is what I said, weapons of mass distraction.

you're right. i apologise.

ta bi

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Oh Dear

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posted on 2005-1-23 at 00:26
Hahaha, I saw a guest was reading this thread, so I decided to check it out along with him/her.

If you look back to my second post in this thread, you can read the Bush war slogans bit.

"Down 'em go!"...That's too funny.

one last show.

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Oh Dear

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posted on 2005-1-23 at 01:23
yeah that is too funny! ha ha ha... well to go with the the topic of this thread about Kobe, I really dont give two shits about him guilty or not.

xX*I am sorry now (but will I ever let you go…)
Things seem so wrong (I had something worth living for)
I cant go on, but its something we’re suppose to do
My heart is crushed, now that I’m without you
I’m without you *Xx

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