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Author: Subject: Never Do This...
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posted on 2004-5-15 at 18:04
LOL, yes yes.. im not a very funny person.. ah well it never hurts to try. Must u always put me down JENNY?
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posted on 2004-5-15 at 18:11
Never fall for someone you know you can't have.
It comes back to bite you in the ass when you least expect it to..lol.

But...a more recent one..

Never leave candles unattended for more than 4 hours...
My bedroom nearly caught on fire..

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posted on 2004-5-15 at 18:19
DEZ how could U!!! u gotta becareful!!
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posted on 2004-5-15 at 18:23
It wasn't my fault! ...I was going berzerk cleaning the whole damn house this morning, and left 3 scented candles on in my bedroom..just because...and then when I was done and went back to like change and stuff...somehow one of my sheets was starting to burn.
It was funny.

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posted on 2004-5-15 at 19:25
it wouldn't be funny if you waited another 10 minutes to go back to your room
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posted on 2004-5-16 at 00:04
marce- you know i love you, and you know that me making fun of you makes you stronger!!

and yes i know what dez means about candles, not a good idea!!



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posted on 2004-5-16 at 02:59
never mix sleeping pills with laxatives... not that i've done it, just a tid-bit of wisdom that my friend shared with me on my 13th B-day.

Some things take more than a lifetime.

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posted on 2004-5-16 at 19:49
NEVER mix malt liquor and extreamly cheap white wine.....it might seem like a good idea at the time, but you'll regret it big time. by themselves, each is bad enough, but mixed together is a deadly combination.

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posted on 2004-5-29 at 20:44
when u was like 16 i was wasted on a pub and washed my face in this bucket then realised it was the bucket with bleach and shit in that they clean the sick up with my fave buuurned

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posted on 2004-5-29 at 20:51
Originally posted by FireStormX
it wouldn't be funny if you waited another 10 minutes to go back to your room

i know one person at my skool nearly burnt her house down with a candle he house is fine now after renovation.

Ok never ever fall asleep with a candle lit on your bed. Done it, nothing bad happened but i could have burned my house down! no fun!

Oh! and never let someone spoil you when they need the money for something else.... unless you are a girl and you are a daddies little girl (yupp thats me even though i dont let him spend that much!)

[Edited on 29-5-04 by 1lilrockerchic]

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posted on 2004-5-29 at 22:34
Don't ask for a peach drink at Tim Hortons anymore..

Now, they come in these gay looking cans..and taste like absolute crap.

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posted on 2004-5-29 at 22:52
no they come in bottles and those ones do not taste like crap!

Never walk home at mid night (not like ive done it but come on we are not livin in a safe world anymore!)

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posted on 2004-5-30 at 03:17
Originally posted by little_lady
Don't ask for a peach drink at Tim Hortons anymore..

Now, they come in these gay looking cans..and taste like absolute crap.

HAHAHAH Yeah thats pretty bad.. they taste very very yucky!!! damn i really miss the ORIGINAL peach drink from that machine they used to have! god damn it!! lol

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posted on 2004-5-30 at 03:43
Are you insane?!? the bottled type is way better! Jeebus! now (if you get the bottle) you dont have to worry about spillage. Jeez get with the program! The cups will leak if you are not careful thats why you buy the BOTTLE.

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posted on 2004-5-30 at 03:50
Huh?...Tim Horton's cups LEAK?!
Since...when? lol.

Anyway, you have two options now...can OR bottle.
I didn't know wtf the girl was talking about since I'm used to the machine..so I picked can...

BIIIIG mistake.
It's so nasty...isn't it Marcel?! haha (gag)

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posted on 2004-5-30 at 03:57
well they can leak alot more easily, compared to good ol' plastic bottle

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posted on 2004-5-30 at 04:56
mix shreddies with chocolate milk its narsty! ewwww!

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