posted on 2006-4-11 at 12:58 |
all three albums up for download - $10 each. EPs $8
see the news page for details. click here for the download
store. the money raised is going into the new recordings. get downloading! they're only $10 each!
[edit]the new EP's on there now too for $8.
[edit 2]and the new new EP's also there
posted on 2006-4-11 at 16:19 |
ta bi
posted on 2006-4-11 at 22:06 |
bart, you might want to put the KotC on the same line as FoF and AW just to avoid confusion.
Some things take more than a lifetime.
posted on 2006-4-11 at 23:29 |
quotation: Originally posted by armour_guitarist
bart, you might want to put the KotC on the same line as FoF and AW just to avoid confusion.
not sure what you mean there, armour_guitarist. on my screen each album with corresponding tick box appears on a fresh line.
ta bi
posted on 2006-4-12 at 03:21 |
oh, it's probably my browser then, but mine looks like this:
bart or chris, you will have to edit this post to make my picture work.
Some things take more than a lifetime.
posted on 2006-4-12 at 08:02 |
no luck with the picture you uploaded. get a standards-compliant browser.