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Author: Subject: Loserz
Sin Ogaris
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posted on 2004-2-19 at 23:41

Yo, it seems about the time of the month for me to contribute a thread, anyway this one involves a webcomic called Loserz. It's damn funny and you should all read it... NOW. I generally hate webcomics because they're either sucky or they suck but this one is different (mainly because I could find a person from my high school to fit into each character).

Anyway, the web address is below so if you get a chance to, check it out, although I recommend going to the start and reading from there, or at least go back to comic 100.

Loserz Web Comic

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Oh Dear

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posted on 2004-2-20 at 04:53
when i have time sin, i will check it out

How do you communicate those emotions that are so intense that no physical expression or series of words can even scratch the surface?

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Oh Dear

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posted on 2004-2-20 at 04:58
its odd but funny

xX*I am sorry now (but will I ever let you go…)
Things seem so wrong (I had something worth living for)
I cant go on, but its something we’re suppose to do
My heart is crushed, now that I’m without you
I’m without you *Xx

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posted on 2004-2-20 at 14:45
not my kinda thing, but i like the artwork.

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Not quite as sad as the post count would suggest

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posted on 2004-2-20 at 18:45
Checked it out, and had a couple of chuckles at like 2 out of the 20 I read...because both reminded me of times in my life in which I have acted the exact same way in a coffee shop

you won't let me down...

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