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Author: Subject: "Quotes" in a conversation...
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posted on 2004-6-8 at 20:07
"Quotes" in a conversation...

Hey guys and girls...let's get some brains thinking here, as Reivax had previously stated the boards are in great need of some heavy discussion topics to bring back the IQ of the forums haha.

[Yes...I realize he didn't exactly say that but I'm sure he meant it. ....right?]

Anyway, this is not exactly a serious thread or heavy discussion, but it is definetly something that could require everyone's participation.

Have you ever heard of a quote on a movie,song,or book that is just SO good that you'll find yourself sometimes using it on casual conversations between friends, or even family?

I was reading something about that today, and it just got me thinking. I'm sure all of us have done it at least once...

SO, turn on the 'creative' switch, and dig deep into that long/short term memory of yours and come up with your favourite quotes that at some point or other became worthy of throwing into a conversation, as a comment to someone, a description of something, or anything of that sort.

*Hands everyone 'thinking caps'*

[Edited on 8-6-04 by little_lady]

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posted on 2004-6-8 at 20:39
we wants it! we wants the precioussss!

ta bi

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posted on 2004-6-8 at 22:40
sorrie but heres one i use every so often: I'll be back

Great line there Chris!

[Edited on 8-6-04 by 1lilrockerchic]

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posted on 2004-6-8 at 22:43
I think the simpson's has created so many quotes that have adapted themselves into most peoples regualar vocabulary. Like saying "Mmmmmm...[insert delicious food item here], Excellent (in an evil Mr. Burns sort of way) and obviously "d'oh". It's even recognized in the dictionary now. That's really impressive if you think about it.

I think this stuff happens so frequently sometimes, we don't even think about it, so when I can actually think of some more I'll post.


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posted on 2004-6-8 at 22:46
yea the mmmmm.... part I think i do it all the time! ha! I think I said today something to the fact of ice cream

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Things seem so wrong (I had something worth living for)
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posted on 2004-6-9 at 03:42
There are hundreds of Simpsons quotes I use in every day conversation, half the time I don't even realise I do it until afterwards. There's also a few Family Guy moments for me, and the "I'll be back" line.
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