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Author: Subject: m.i.a.
mr. dobalina
Posting Machine

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Currently listening to: postishead @ the roseland ['96]

posted on 2004-6-11 at 07:31

my computer's been down for a long time now, send me pm's or send me e-mail's to joelkbo@hotmail.com. i've been trying to check them as frequently as possible as hard as it may be. as soon as i grab my new apartment i hope to grab a computer and talk to as soon as time will merit. you're all also all welcome for the housewarming perty.



Amid the chaos of that day, when all I could hear was the thunder of gunshots, and all I could smell was the violence in the air, I look back and am amazed that my thoughts were so clear and true, that three words went through my mind endlessly, repeating themselves like a broken record: you're so cool, you're so cool, you're so cool. And sometimes Clarence asks me what I would have done if he had died, if that bullet had been two inches more to the left. To this, I always smile, as if I'm not going to satisfy him with a response. But I always do. I tell him of how I would want to die, but that the anguish and the want of death would fade like the stars at dawn, and that things would be much as they are now. Perhaps. Except maybe I wouldn't have named our son Elvis.

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Custon Status

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Currently listening to: Dredg & God Is An Astronaut

posted on 2004-6-11 at 10:51
It's nice to know you're still kicking around, Joel. Good luck with moving and your new place.


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Oh Dear

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posted on 2004-6-11 at 13:19
JOEL!!!! Dude I havent seen/ talked to you in ages! Must go email you! You are moving? Cool.... lemme know if you need a computer... I'm prolly gonna sell mine as soon as i get all my files off of it.

xX*I am sorry now (but will I ever let you go…)
Things seem so wrong (I had something worth living for)
I cant go on, but its something we’re suppose to do
My heart is crushed, now that I’m without you
I’m without you *Xx

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Not quite as sad as the post count would suggest

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posted on 2004-6-11 at 20:44
Welcome back,dearest.
Glad to know all is well....and thank you for the PM. I've replied to it now so whenever you find time to go on the computer once again, be sure to check it out.

If I had KNOWN you were going to be at C&P on Sunday, I wouldn't have declined my previous invitation to go.

Take care!

you won't let me down...

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Posting Machine

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Currently listening to: fall out boy

posted on 2004-6-12 at 01:05
heyyyy can i come and party??

*pelvic thrust*

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