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Adam Benning – Drums
Justin Humes – Vocals
Rob Linschoten – Bass
Chris Schembri – Guitar/vocals
(Click for profiles)

Chris Elizabeth "Steve" Schembri

August 10


Favourite bands
All That Remains, In Flames, Dead Poetic, As I Lay Dying, Unearth, Saosin, The Used, Taking Back Sunday

Beating up emo kids who owe me money, cow tipping in small towns like Wingham.

Favourite The Livid song
Under This

Words to live by

I'm not running a country club, you know??


THE LIVID is a high-energy four piece alternative rock band from Mississauga, Ontario. The band was formed in January 1997, when four high school freshmen decided to jam to some cover tunes in their drummer's basement. After winning several competitions and spending some time at a local studio, The Livid released their debut album, King of the Castle, in October 2000. The Livid returned to the studio to record more tracks in 2001. So Fear of Fading was released in the summer of 2002. Over the span of six months, however, The Livid was destined to lose all of its founding members with the exception of guitar player and songwriter Chris Schembri. Over the next months, The Livid was reformed, with new members Adam Benning (drums), Rob Linschoten (bass) and Justin Humes (vocals). After a lengthy period of writing and recording, the new lineup released their first record (The Livid's third record), "The Ambition Within" on the 25th of September, 2004.

Last updated 26 September 2004

  Site design © Bart Nagel 2004~2005