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Author: Subject: Live Recordings?!?!
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posted on 2003-11-15 at 07:05
What exactly is the band's stance on the sharing of live recordings of their shows? I bootleg pretty much every concert I attend and tonight's Livid show was no exception. Generally I keep my MP3's for personal use but if the band has no objections I'd be more than willing to share the tunes with other Livid fans!

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posted on 2003-11-15 at 07:11
if it is ok that would be awesome. whats the quality like?

ps, what does "at the seams" sound like?

[Edited on 15-11-03 by armour_guitarist]

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Currently listening to: Breach of Trust

posted on 2003-11-15 at 08:35
As far as I can tell the quality is pretty good. I have a MD recorder and a sweet mic/bass filter so most of my bootlegs turn out great. I think there may be some fuzziness during the latter part of the set as I moved closer to the stage (and subsequently the speakers) but I have yet to rip the recording so it's hard to say right now.

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posted on 2003-11-15 at 14:37
yeah the spin off from VEX RED just had a fan record a live track of theirs from the soundstage at their concert or something - is awesome quality!

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posted on 2003-11-15 at 15:30
I'm thinking that they probably don't mind. Seeing as I asked earlier in this thread and nobody said no. And Xxlivid gave me advice to record....so. It's possible that the new song they may not want thrown around. But what the hell do I know? All I know is that if they truly don't mind, I would loooove to get some of those Mp3's.
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posted on 2003-11-15 at 17:22
OOoooo! I think Chris told me that they finished at the seams, i would love to hear the completed version.

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