Oh Dear
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posted on 2004-10-28 at 02:28
Give everyone a particular job that you think that they'd be good at.
However, for Paige- pornstar is excluded from this competition.
For PIS- me too.
one last show.
Oh Dear
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posted on 2004-10-28 at 02:57
Okay, i'll begin
Bart- An English prof at let's say Oxford. He's very good at arguing and such.
His brother- Obviously the next Shaq. We shall call him "C-Dub"
Paige: Paige would be a perfect Stylist. She likes shoes. Maybe she can eat pretzels p/t.
Dez: Translator... Woot.
Jenny/Dag/Raine: all very good dj's on some radio station.
Chris (Luyk): The next Iggy Kaneff? He's a good landscaper.
Dobs: Paige and I were saying that he'd be an excellent Literacy Test writer. They're very witty, and you are as well.
Diana: Hmm, she can blow up balloons with all that energy.
Sin: A professional "nice poster hanger" dude.
I'll add more. I'm in a bit of a rush to get back to my convo with Paige-r.
one last show.
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posted on 2004-10-28 at 03:06
No way, Dobs would for sure be the stylist. I just like to buy shoes haha.
The night's as hot as hell. It's a lousy room in a lousy part of a lousy town - I'm staring at a goddess. She's telling me she
wants me. I'm not going to waste one more minute wondering how I've gotten this lucky. She smells like angels ought to smell, the perfect
woman... the Goddess. Goldie. She says her name is Goldie.
Oh Dear
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Currently listening to: Angels and Airwaves- The Adventure
posted on 2004-10-28 at 03:09
Hey, where's my Water Wings avatar?
one last show.
Sin Ogaris
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posted on 2004-10-28 at 03:23
Nice poster hanger?
Anyway, my list.
tremendous: I'd say lecturer at uni.
Chris: Assistant Principal at a school. Or a General in the army.
mr. dobalina: Randal from Clerks.
Pure_Ibanez_Sound: a bouncer.
Paige_x0x: Newspaper run (since it's the only thing you're old enough to do, hahaha, I'm so funny). Or maybe a fashion
1lilrockerchic: shop assistant in a clothing store.
little lady: In jail for breaking into Justin Timberlake's house and molesting him while he slept.
armour guitarist: working in a bike store.
sideO_JR: a professional soccer player (pretty sure you liked soccer).
mi: I'll say awesome bass player on a par with Victor Wooten, just cause I'm nice like that.
Reivax: Comic book guy (dunno why, you just strike me as the kind of guy who'd work in a comic book store).
Kimbits: gymnastics.
Dagger Phillips: a successful critic.
Raine: talk show host.
Punk Rawk Princess: radio dj.
JeffK: awesome guitarist for a sweet band (why mess with a good thing?).
I think I've covered everyone I can think of something for.
Oh Dear
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Currently listening to: Angels and Airwaves- The Adventure
posted on 2004-10-28 at 14:32
Oops I forgot sooo many people.Well then.
Sin-I remember way back you posted a picutre of yourself and Ian said something like "hey nice picture in the background." So there yah
1lilrockerchic: Defiantely an assistant, or a secretary.
Ian: Sponsored by Specialized to ride and get paid.
G-Diddy: The most BLINGINGEST soccer player ever..You know, lots of bling bling and what not.
Mi: A bass player in one of them chick bands!
quotation:Why mess with a good thing
...Guitarist for Westpoint.
Bouncer? geeze.
one last show.
Oh Dear
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posted on 2004-10-28 at 21:20
quotation:Originally posted by Pure_Ibanez_Sound
G-Diddy: The most BLINGINGEST soccer player ever
i dont get to be a bling soccer player?
quotation:Originally posted by Pure_Ibanez_Sound
Ian: Sponsored by Specialized to ride and get paid.
Specialized? pff, Santa Cruz for me!
Some things take more than a lifetime.
mr. dobalina
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posted on 2004-10-28 at 21:31
i'd give you all a job planting tulips.
[two lips]
Amid the chaos of that day, when all I could hear was the thunder of gunshots, and all I could smell was the violence in the air, I look back and am
amazed that my thoughts were so clear and true, that three words went through my mind endlessly, repeating themselves like a broken record:
you're so cool, you're so cool, you're so cool. And sometimes Clarence asks me what I would have done if he had died, if that bullet
had been two inches more to the left. To this, I always smile, as if I'm not going to satisfy him with a response. But I always do. I tell him
of how I would want to die, but that the anguish and the want of death would fade like the stars at dawn, and that things would be much as they are
now. Perhaps. Except maybe I wouldn't have named our son Elvis.
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posted on 2004-10-28 at 21:41
PIS, couldn't you have given me an enjoyable job? I hate landscaping. It's just better than alot of the alternatives.
Just a few for now:
PIS: Sports agent
Dez: Something behind the scenes with music...not sure what exactly, though
Tremendous: Music teacher
Dobalina: Actor
Chris: A drummer in a metal band
Sin: Director
Jorge: Athlete of some sort.
Ian: Also some sort of athlete.
Paige: A proffesional Band-Aid
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posted on 2004-10-28 at 21:47
rofl professional Band-Aid...
Some things take more than a lifetime.
Oh Dear
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posted on 2004-10-28 at 21:52
wow looks like am a just amazing at this soccer game. whats that one again? where u can't let the black thing go in for a touchdown?
maybe i'll do this later for u guys
How do you communicate those emotions that are so intense that no physical expression or series of words can even scratch the surface?
Oh Dear
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Currently listening to: Angels and Airwaves- The Adventure
posted on 2004-10-28 at 23:21
lol Iggy Kaneff has serious money Chris. You could fit the Skydome in his house. But if you want a switch-a-roono:
Reivax: guitar store owner. Le entrepreneur.
one last show.
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posted on 2004-10-29 at 00:38
quotation:Originally posted by Reivax
Paige: A proffesional Band-Aid
Is that just a nice way of calling me a groupie? If so, which band?
The night's as hot as hell. It's a lousy room in a lousy part of a lousy town - I'm staring at a goddess. She's telling me she
wants me. I'm not going to waste one more minute wondering how I've gotten this lucky. She smells like angels ought to smell, the perfect
woman... the Goddess. Goldie. She says her name is Goldie.
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posted on 2004-10-29 at 01:04
My brother in laws dream has always been to open a guitar store. If he can actually pull it off one day, I will be working with him.
I guess you could say that, Paige. It's from the movie Almost Famous, btw. It can be whichever band(s) you want.
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posted on 2004-10-29 at 13:07
quotation:1lilrockerchic: shop assistant in a clothing store.
quotation:1lilrockerchic: Defiantely an assistant, or a secretary.
Oh fun... hahaha i dont think i could really stand being an who would i assist?
xX*I am sorry now (but will I ever let you go…)
Things seem so wrong (I had something worth living for)
I cant go on, but its something we’re suppose to do
My heart is crushed, now that I’m without you
I’m without you *Xx
Oh Dear
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Currently listening to: Angels and Airwaves- The Adventure
posted on 2004-10-29 at 19:09
People that need assistance?
one last show.
Oh Dear
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posted on 2004-10-29 at 19:29
ha ha shit... I dont think I would be able to do that and all. it might drive me insane. ha ha ha. It would be hard picking out jobs for
people lol. but i do have one ...
xX*I am sorry now (but will I ever let you go…)
Things seem so wrong (I had something worth living for)
I cant go on, but its something we’re suppose to do
My heart is crushed, now that I’m without you
I’m without you *Xx
mr. dobalina
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posted on 2004-10-29 at 19:32
me: deputy minister of awesomeness
Amid the chaos of that day, when all I could hear was the thunder of gunshots, and all I could smell was the violence in the air, I look back and am
amazed that my thoughts were so clear and true, that three words went through my mind endlessly, repeating themselves like a broken record:
you're so cool, you're so cool, you're so cool. And sometimes Clarence asks me what I would have done if he had died, if that bullet
had been two inches more to the left. To this, I always smile, as if I'm not going to satisfy him with a response. But I always do. I tell him
of how I would want to die, but that the anguish and the want of death would fade like the stars at dawn, and that things would be much as they are
now. Perhaps. Except maybe I wouldn't have named our son Elvis.
Oh Dear
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Registered: 2003-5-7 Location: Ont, Can-a-da Member is offline
Currently listening to: My Mp3 Player
posted on 2004-10-29 at 19:33
Ok Joel what ever you
xX*I am sorry now (but will I ever let you go…)
Things seem so wrong (I had something worth living for)
I cant go on, but its something we’re suppose to do
My heart is crushed, now that I’m without you
I’m without you *Xx
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posted on 2004-10-29 at 22:46
quotation:Originally posted by mr. dobalina
me: deputy minister of awesomeness
only deptuy, eh? who's nicked the don spot?
ta bi
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posted on 2004-10-30 at 05:07